Ben Newton

My name is Ben Newton. I was born in the 1900's while going to seminary in a northern state (my dad, Jim Newton, was in seminary in Indiana when I was born in 1975).  For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21 Since you were looking, let me tell you a little something about me...

   I have always wanted to be a person that God could use to do something extraordinary. Along the way I have found out that He can do it all without me because He is extraordinary.

I went to college to be a pastor, and then left ETBU to go out to serve as a missionary. Our family worked in the Seattle area as missionaries for about a year. That was a great time of growth in our lives. We moved back to Texas and within the year, I was almost killed in a jet-ski accident (a great God kind of story). During the time of my recovery, God was molding me to be who I am today. I have always felt that God called me to be a pastor, and now as I look back, I see that He has always put me to work with great musicians and worship mentors to define who He wanted me to be. 


   As far as music styles and such goes, I believe Jesus said in John 4:23 But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way.  I am interested in singing and leading songs that are Biblical and of sound doctrine, not just based on what sounds good or is popular. I believe the Bible has the greatest message that has ever been delivered to humanity...  Psalm 119:111 Your laws are my treasure; they are my heart’s delight.  Now, think of all the songs you can remember, a jingle about Tootsie pops (whatever it is I think I see…), “We Will Rock You,” or any of the silly ones you learned from childhood. These are vivid reminders that music stays with us. Now take that idea of remembering music and mix it with Psalm 1:2“But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law he meditates day and night.” What if we could write songs from the word of God (Isaiah 40:31 – Everlasting God, Brenton Brown), then by His power, we will be meditating on “the law of the Lord” as we sing.


   Rather than seeking only a stirring of our emotions through music, we primarily should be concerned about transforming our minds to the mind of Christ. Just think what we could be engrafting in our hearts, minds, and souls if we sang songs of even greater Biblical proportions. With the idea of Psalm 1:2 on my mind, in my heart, stirring my soul, I have been writing, singing, and leading songs to honor God and help us to have the chance to meditate on His word both day and night. 


     In addition to being a lead worshiper, I have been a soldier (Patriot Missile Crewmember), worked in construction, including framing, drywall, flooring, sub-flooring, steel, HVAC, plumbing, cabinetry, electric, roofing, painting, concrete, and then some… I have also worked as internet tech support, photographer, graphic designer, truck driver, butcher, umpire, and antenna radius quality control. God has blessed me and continues to guide me through all of life’s events. He is the One that deserves complete honor for all of things that I have been able to do. Without Him I have nothing. I want these things about me that I have listed to be a direct reflection of His powerful love and mercy because For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21

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